Funny Engineering Pics and Quotes

Being an engineering student you know that your're in the wrong class when more that 3 students are female, and they're all hot.

This is Engineering Images

When you're a Engineer there are a lot of OMG and WTF momets, but it's the LOL & :) moments that make it all worthwhile.

This is Engineering Comments

This is Engineering Pictures

Engineering Fact - We don't need a girlfriend...our assignments irritates us everyday...that's enough.

This is Engineering Cards

We are CHEATERS , but don't cheat HUMANITY...
We hate STUDY , but we love TECHNOLOGY....
We FLIRT the flirts , but we are TRUE LOVERS....
We don't have BOOKS in hand ,but we have revolutionary IDEAS in mind.... World CAN'T change us , but we CAN change the world....

This is Engineering Graphics
