Now Orkut Private Scraps

Yesterday Orkut introduced two new features which will give a new dimension to the social networking and privacy.

Private scraps -
From now on to keep something secret, all we have to do is just send a private scrap to our friends, and just those people selected will see it. So from now on the scraps will become more funnier and personal. Start making fun of your boss by sending the funny image scraps to collegues and your boss will never know. Same goes for the eternal Teacher student relationship. And yes, your nose-poking-ever-irritating-kick-deserving room mate will never know when you are going out with your girlfriend ! So what are you waiting for, just write her a personal letter.

Private Scraps

Grouping -
Now all the scraps we send to our friends and foes (friends of your GF ;-) ) will also show up in our profile, and we can join a conversation already going on by simply adding a comment to it.
So now if I start a new conversation by sending a public scrap to a friend, it will show up both on my profile page and on my friend’s. And more of my friends can leave comments and join the conversation as well, b'coz as soon as the third person joins conversation by posting a comment, the entire conversation will also show up on her /his profile.
And yes, you can also click the "scraps to me" link to see only scraps sent to you.
Wish to know more, click here.

* Update - The Orkut has taken back these features. They (the Orkut team) are now redesigning the features.
