Good Morning Sms - 2

~A Hug ~

Could you do me a favor?
Put ur left hand over ur RIGHT Shoulder then
ur Right hand to ur LEFT Shoulder There!
I'have just given u a hug! (",)
Good morning..!!!

Copy And Paste The Following Code

~True Friends ~

True friends are like morning,
U can t have them whole day..,
But can be sure they'll be there
when u wake up Today,Tomorrow & forever...
Good Morning.....

Copy And Paste The Following Code

~An Ideal Day ~

An ideal day should begin
with a cute little yawn on ur face!
A cup of coffee in ur hand And
a message from me on ur mobile!!!
Hope u ve had all the three!!!Good Morning....

Copy And Paste The Following Code

~Life ~

Life is a rope that swings us through hope,
Always believe today is better than yesterday
& tomorrow will be much better than today...
Good Morning...

Copy And Paste The Following Code

~5 Steps ~

“ Five steps to a LOVELY MORNING
Close your eyes,
Take a deep breath,
open your arms wide,
feel your heart beat and say its too early.
Let me sleep again. Good Morning.”

Copy And Paste The Following Code
